With no money: together against poverty
- Date: 27 November
- label.tijd 13:30
- Location: Theater De Vaillant

Over half the residents of Schilderswijk and Transvaal live at or below the poverty line. Many families are involved, children start their lives with limited opportunities. If the contents of the wallet are small, the way to art and culture is even smaller. This while a visit to the theatre, a bite to eat or a drink together when discussing it afterwards, makes your world so much richer. Theatre De Vaillant explores the possibilities of making cultural participation not dependent on the wallet, but possible for everyone.
With No Money is an informative programme on poverty by Heino Walbroek and De Vaillant. What poverty is, how we can fight it or at least make it more bearable. We invite key figures from the Schilderswijk and Transvaal neighbourhoods to join the discussion and think ahead together.
We will take a strong kick-off with a substantive programme. The aim is to arrive at a Citizens' Council that makes recommendations to tackle poverty in our neighbourhoods.
Hizir Cengiz delivers the first Duivesteijn Lecture, on poverty and how it gets in the way of imagination. This lecture, which will return annually, provides a platform for young writers, publicists and thinkers to reflect on social issues that directly affect neighbourhood residents.
We cordially invite you to attend and to bring two guests.
- Welcome: Tine Strous Delaere - Quiet Community The Hague
- Duivesteijn lecture: Hizir Cengiz
- Poverty debate: Güven Yildiz (GP in Schilderswijk neighbourhood), Ilah Rubio (journalist), Vanessa Umboh (Stem Zonder Gezicht foundation).
- CIVIL COUNCIL: by Dilara Bilgic (board member Bureau Civic Council) together on poverty/to a civic council
- Music: performance Yuli Minguel
- After-dinner chat with a liqueur made from residual products of De Onrust Stokers
- Host: Jickey Traxel
Theater De Vaillant
Hobbemastraat 120
2526 JS Den Haag Sign Up