Vrouwendag Voorpremière van C'è Ancora Domani
- Date: 08 March
- label.tijd 18:45
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

Paola Cortellesi, Italy, 2024, 108 min, Italian language
Delia and Ivano live in Rome with their children and Ivano's sickly father. It is 1946 and people in the city are balancing between the liberation frenzy and the deficits of the past war. Delia is the caring type who has learned to cope with her tyrannical husband. The family is excited because their daughter is getting engaged. But everything changes when Delia receives a mysterious letter that sparks her courage to strive for a better life... Inspired by the stories of grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
C'e Ancora Domani is the first feature film directed by Paola Cortellesi. She is widely considered one of the most versatile artists in the Italian film world, as an actress, screenwriter and author, also winner of several David di Donatello Awards . She makes her directorial debut with an original drama set in the period following World War II. The male lead role belongs to Valerio Mastandrea, known from "Perfetti Sconosciuti."
Exclusive preview on Women's Day
Especially for Women's Day there will be an exclusive pre-premiere of C'è Ancora Domani on March 8 at Filmhuis Den Haag. The film will only be shown again from March 21, so be quick!
Filmhuis Den Haag
Spui 191
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