Universal Brotherhood
- Date: 19 March
- label.tijd 19:30
- Location: The Theosophical Society, Blavatskyhouse

This lecture will be given in Dutch! On the 27th of April the lecture will be given in English. Click on the following link for more information: https://blavatskyhouse.org/lec...
Universal Brotherhood is not a human sentiment, it is rather based on the spiritual background of everything and everyone. In all Wisdom Traditions, of all cultures past and present, this is the core message they taught. Everything in its spiritual core is ONE. So it is not a matter of becoming one but expressing the idea of Universal Brotherhood.
How can we activate that Universal Brotherhood within ourselves and make it a living force in the world?
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The Theosophical Society, Blavatskyhouse
De Ruijterstraat 74
2518 AV Den Haag Sign Up