Fantastic Femmes and Thems Fest

  • Date: 07 March
  • label.tijd 18:30 - 23:00
  • Location: Podium NOORD

Discover, celebrate and experience femininity and gender expression your way! Join us for this special evening where we will engage in conversation together about what femininity and gender expression mean to you. Whether you are non-binary, transgender, cisgender or still searching - everyone is welcome.

Our partners at Queerminds will lead the dialogues and take you into the world of gender-affirming makeup. Learn how to apply it yourself, or have your makeup done in an approachable way at one of the tables. No pressure, just fun and connection.

In addition to inspiring talks, there will also be room to relax, meet new people and enjoy a celebratory finale with a DJ. Come along, celebrate who you are, and be surprised by an evening of inclusivity, creativity and fun.

We hope to see you there!

Podium NOORD

Cultuurwerkplaats 425
2592 GD, Den Haag

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