Nobody sees it
- Date: 25 November
- label.tijd 20:00 - 21:30
- Location: Nieuwspoort

Are we in the midst of an invisible war?
Are we at war without seeing it? Digital sabotage, online espionage and large-scale disinformation are making the world a permanent battleground. How vulnerable are we if we don't see how we are being attacked? And what is the role of our secret services in hybrid warfare?
No one who sees it delves deeper into the shadowy world that the eponymous documentary series portrays. On this special evening, journalist Huib Modderkolk shows how digital warfare works and what impact it has on society.
After four episodes on TV and six meetings around the country with various experts, it is time to bring Nobody Who Sees It to the center of power. At debate center Nieuwspoort, we'll be talking with MPs Hanneke van der Werf (D66), Barbara Kathmann (PvdA) and Jesse Six Dijkstra (NSC) about what the era of hybrid warfare means for politics and society.
Nobody who sees it (watch the trailer!) is a four-part documentary series by BNNVARA and The Other Room and is now available to stream via NPO Start.
- Huib Modderkolk is an investigative journalist for De Volkskrant and has been writing for ten years about intelligence services and digital warfare
- Barbara Kathmann is a member of parliament for the Dutch Labour Party
- Hanneke van der Werf is a member of the Dutch Lower House for D66
- Jesse Six Dijkstra is a member of the Lower House for NSC
If you want a bite to eat beforehand, you can order the Chef's special a €16.50 in addition to your admission tickets. Then you are welcome in our restaurant from 6 p.m. onwards. The special is: Rendang, Indian beef stew in coconut, sambal beans, egg, white rice or Rendang vegetarian, Indian yellow beet stew in coconut, sambal beans, egg, white rice.
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
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