Indisch Questionnaire on Commemoration
- Date: 30 April
- label.tijd 20:00
- Location: Museum Sophiahof

Jong 1508 is hosting an "Indian Question Fire" April 30 at Museum Sophiahof on remembrance in the present and in the future.
Jong 1508 is a group of young volunteers involved in the August 15 Foundation. They are committed to bringing the commemoration on August 15, 1945 to the attention of the third and fourth generation. Jong 1508 does this, among other things, by staying in conversation with different generations within the archipelago.
During the Indisch Vragenvuur they will enter into conversation with various people known for their Indisch link. None other than Thom de Graaf will kick off the conversation and will be subjected to a real (pedis) Indian Questionnaire!
The Indisch Questionnaire will take place in museum Sophiahof in The Hague. The walk-in is from 19.15 to 19.30. The event itself is from 8 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Registration is open until April 23. For more information and to sign up:
Tuesday, April 30 - 8 p.m.
Admission: free
Museum Sophiahof
Sophialaan 10
2514 JR Den Haag Sign Up