Film: If I die, it will be of joy
- Date: 23 March
- label.tijd 14:00
- Location: Theater de Vaillant

Film Screening: If I Die, It Will Be of Joy
Film festival Movies that Matter and Theater De Vaillant join forces for a special film screening that touches and inspires. A film that challenges the conventional view of aging and sexuality and offers a new perspective on life in later life.
The story
In a world where old age is often seen as a period of decline, Micheline, Francis and Yves are taking the lead in a movement to radically overturn traditional notions of old age. Together with a group of activist elders, they are fighting against ageism and the taboo surrounding sexuality in old age. They show that old age is not about decay, but can be a time of freedom, beauty, creativity and pleasure.
A film with impact
If I Die, It'll Be of Joy is a confrontational and inspiring documentary that asks: why do we strive for eternal youth while hiding and fearing old age? The film invites a new conversation about the dignity of life - from beginning to end - and challenges us to embrace love, intimacy and zest for life at any age.
Come watch and be inspired by this courageous and liberating look at aging!
Pay what you can
At The Vaillant, you pay according to your wallet! We think it's important that everyone has the opportunity to come see our performances.
Choose the ticket price you can afford. If you have more to spend, you can also order a ticket for someone else.
There is a limited number of $0.00 tickets available. These tickets are intended for those who really need this option. We would like to make sure they end up with the right people.
Want to learn more about the idea behind this system? Then click on the following link: Woord van de directeur op Internationale Dag Tegen Armoede
With the Stork Pass there is always a reduced rate.
The film is shown with English subtitles.
Theater de Vaillant
Hobbemastraat 120
2526JS Den Haag Sign Up