- Date: 07 March
- label.tijd 19:30 - 21:30
- Location: Podium NOORD

Power Stage is the recurring cultural stage for creative, entrepreneurial women from Haagse Hout and The Hague. Inspiring women will talk with our host Rabia Mermi about their passion, inspiration and how they use their talents for a better society. The conversations will be interspersed with a musical performance. At the end of Power Stage, there will be an opportunity to meet and chat with the artist and guests.
In this edition of Power Stage, we have special female speakers: Fatima Faid and Farah Rahman.
Fatima Faid started as a volunteer at one of the first girls' road houses in The Hague. She then worked in the women's shelter (Fiom) and in residential care for young people. After that she became involved as advisor and project leader in care innovation projects in the Schilderswijk, Transvaal and the station district. Fatima Faid is an activist in the fields of anti-racism/fascism, feminism, climate justice and the housing crisis. Squatting always goes on, as does international solidarity. As group chair for The Hague City Party in the city council, she fights the climate crisis, anti-racism/fascism and feminism.
Farah Rahman is a multidisciplinary artist. Rahman's artistic research practice is similar to the work of an ethnobotanist, who analyzes peoples and cultures through field research. She creates multi-sensory works, in which long-forgotten memories surrounding people's political and/or spiritual relationship with plants, nature and culture play a major role. Her work is characterized by the use of medicinal plants, scent compositions and various cultural heritages. By deconstructing these materials, she explores their structures and meanings. Among other things, the plant materials are obtained in consultation with a botanical garden that has its origins in colonial times.
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