Documentary Screening: A Tale of Two Starved Cities in Syria
- Date: 29 September
- label.tijd 16:00 - 18:00
- Location: The Hague Humanity Hub

Movie Screening and Discussion organised by the Iranian Centre for International Criminal Law at The Hague Humanity Hub.
How do civilian populations experience war? During the conflict in Syria, many different civilian populations suffered. In this film those who lived through the sieges of al-Fu'ah and Kefriya in Idlib province, northern Syria near Aleppo describe their experiences when most humanitarian access was stopped and starvation was rife.
These towns, with majority Shiite populations, were controlled by Syrian government forces. Syrian rebel groups besieged them from 2015-2018. Thousands of civilians were trapped. Even when the sieges were lifted and people were evacuated, their convoys were attacked.
The documentary is the background to a discussion about the conduct of International Humanitarian Law during sieges. What is lawful behaviour? How far can civilian populations be used as pressure points in political negotiations? When armed groups are major players alongside state forces, what obligations do they have under IHL? How far has our understanding of starvation as a weapon of war now come?
The discussion will be between Professor Terry Gill, Emeritus Professor of Military Law at the University of Amsterdam, Jolanda Andela of the Eramus School of Law and Mohammad Zakerhossein Assistant professor of the University of Tehran and director of the documentary. Janet H Anderson, journalist and podcast host will be the moderator.
The Hague Humanity Hub
Fluwelen Burgwal 58
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