Dialogue: Echo of War
- Date: 15 August
- label.tijd 12:30 - 15:00
- Location: Grote Kerk

An echo is the reflection of sound against a wall. The sound often distorts, but always returns. The echo of war also always resonates longer, for example, on societies, communities, systems, family and subsequent generations.
In this dialogue, we explore the echo of war in the context of commemorating the end of World War II for the Kingdom of the Netherlands on August 15, 1945.
What is the echo of war in your life? What do you see or feel as a result of war in yourself, your family, in your community or in society? Are there differences between generations and how do they find each other?
For many, the end of World War II in the Dutch Indies did not mean the end of violence and oppression. For them, liberation came only after the war of independence or the violent period that preceded it.
At the dialogue tables there is room for sharing experiences and we listen to each other's stories. What can we learn from the echoes of war?
This dialogue is part of the program of Huis voor de Stad - Grote Kerk. The introduction will be provided by storyteller and musician Francesca Vincentie. For more information about the program and to register for this dialogue, please use this link.
For more information about the dialogue, please email Femke Alberda femke@dialoogindenhaag.nl.
Grote Kerk
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