Dialogue: building trust between society and government
- Date: 22 April
- label.tijd 18:00 - 21:00

In this dialogue, we explore the trust we have in government, and government's trust in us. Three groups will meet on this evening: city residents, people who work in government, and people who mediate between government and society. Each brings their own perspective on trust between government and society.
We question each other on experiences in which there was trust. What do those experiences look like? What was that trust, what did you do what did the other person do, what were the circumstances, what made that trust exist....
From those personal experiences we look at the qualities of trust. In the dream of the future, we see a country in which those qualities are abundant. What happens in and between government and people in society? How does each allow trust to grow and flourish and especially those who mediate between government and society? We end with intentions for concrete steps to build and flourish trust.
This dialogue meeting includes a meal and is organized by TwijnstraGudde in collaboration with Dialoog in Den Haag. For more information, please contact Femke Alberda at femke@dialoogindenhaag.nl or at or 06 - 48 106 742.