The power of oral history: family stories from diverse cultures
- Date: 15 February
- label.tijd 12:30 - 14:00
- Location: Rotunda, tweede verdieping in Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag

Experience the power of telling stories to each other; what binds us? Under the guidance of theatre maker and Maroon culture bearer Jose Tojo, storytellers with diverse cultural backgrounds will tell each other and the audience family stories.
Oral History, or ‘speaking history’, is important in passing on stories from generation to generation. But who keeps these stories alive? Who still shares stories from their family? Do we still know how to do that? In this session we will listen to family stories with storytellers with diverse cultural backgrounds. And experience the power of telling these kinds of stories to each other.
Under the guidance of theatre maker and Maroon culture bearer Jose Tojo. With stories by Gloriaka Maal, Michael Driebeeck van der Ven, Yung Lie, Fatos Ipek Demir, Phylis Rooks, Mahmoud AlNaser, Lydia Shakira Schenker.
This programme is part of the festival: Heel Den Haag Vertelt
Heel Den Haag Vertelt is the first edition of an annual storytelling festival by and for the city. On Saturday afternoon, February 15, the Central Library will be transformed into a large story house, where very diverse stories from the city come together and can be experienced. There is room for people with a special story, food stories, themed city walks, an interview marathon, reading sessions, a mouse circus, music stories, a family history workshop and an open stage for The Hague's story talent. The stages are curated by story initiatives from the city. An intimate festival where people can encounter a different world from their own city. Without big names, but with atmospheric and special stories.
This festival is an initiative of Haags Verhaal and Bibliotheek Den Haag, supported by the municipality of The Hague and Fonds1818.
Rotunda, tweede verdieping in Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag
Spui 68
2511 CB Den Haag Sign Up