Get Involved
While The Hague prepares for the arrival of the NATO Summit, a local program is taking place in the lead-up to the event. This includes activities focused on Peace and Justice for everyone in The Hague, under the banner "Road to Summit."
Join the Road to Summit, Hague programme for peace & justice!
With The Hague as the international city of Peace and Justice, the Road to Summit - a city wide programme, serves as an ideal open platform. It is open to everyone with activities that contribute to the themes of Peace and Justice.
Such as debates, lectures, exhibitions, music, film and dance performances and creative competitions. These will cover various thema’s related to Peace and Justice. Most of the activities are in the final weeks leading up to the summit, culminating in the Just Peace Festival.
Partners and contributors welcome!
Road to Summit is a collective initiative from the Municipality of The Hague in collaboration with Humanity Hub, Just Peace and other partners, Hague organisations, schools and cultural institutions in the city.
Let your voice be heard and share your creativity and expertise. Road to Summit is there to connect and for open conversations. There is room for reflection and to ask complex questions about what peace really means. The Hague fringe program is there to keep talking and understand each other better.

How to participate:
Attend programme activities and events
The Road to Summit program is growing in the coming period. Most of the activities are in the weeks leading up to the summit, culminating in the Just Peace Festival.
See what's coming up here (and keep an eye on the website for updates!).
Join Road to Summit and share your activities with the city
Leading up to the summit, Road to Summit is promoting Peace and Justice activities and events in The Hague on this website. Do you have your own event or activity in The Hague that fits within the themes of our program from now until the end of June? We would love to post it.
Let us know and we will strengthen each other!
Email your activity or event to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Get involved and join as a partner
Are you interested in joining with your ideas, expertise and want to help shape Just Peace Festival programming? Would you like to collaborate with other contributors to create engaging activities? We'd love to work with you to make it as impactful as possible.
Send us a message at justpeacefestival@humanityhub net and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. For more info look here.