Concert 'Als Ik Luister'
- Date: 06 March
- label.tijd 20:15 uur
- Location: Nieuwe Kerk, Den Haag

Join us on an adventure of new music as only New European Ensemble brings! In the concert series ‘Dwarsliggers’, New European Ensemble presents the stories of composers who go against the current.
Derrick Skye American mirror
Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson Jim is still crowing
Julius Eastman Gay Guerrilla
In 'When I listen', discover the powerful compositions of Julius Eastman (1940-1990), imbued with political meaning and inspired by his experience as a gay, African-American artist. During this concert you will experience what he himself called organic music.
Author Glenn Helberg provides his insights into the complexity and diversity of our existence. There will also be new music by Jalalu-Kalvert Nelson; the African-American composer with roots in Oklahoma who found a home in Switzerkland, explores the deep connection with African-American culture through his music.
Join us on an adventure of new music as only New European Ensemble brings!
Nieuwe Kerk, Den Haag
Spui 175
2511 BM Den Haag Sign Up